Summer on the Plate


Not all summers happen to be tuned to a sweet note, even though there are so many expectations we have from this enlightening period of the year. But there is nothing that would stop us from bringing little pieces of our own sweetness in any way we can. My favorite piece of a sweet but healthy summer heaven is all yours now…:)

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Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt

IMG_6041Waking up to the most annoying sound of my alarm clock in the early Saturday morning with a smile on my face can mean only one thing – chocolate is going to be involved! Fully using all the benefits of being journalism student in London, I received a press pass from wonderful Sarah Tickle, who I thank very much, to the world’s largest chocolate show – Salon du Chocolat. It took place in London’s National Hall, Olympia from 18th to 20th of October 2013.

image-3Although I have so much to tell you about this unforgettably aromatic exhibition, I think that this time, pictures will speak for themselves more than my words of gastronomic amazement, I type while drooling over my keyboard.

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