Summer on the Plate


Not all summers happen to be tuned to a sweet note, even though there are so many expectations we have from this enlightening period of the year. But there is nothing that would stop us from bringing little pieces of our own sweetness in any way we can. My favorite piece of a sweet but healthy summer heaven is all yours now…:)

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Stuffed Peppers That Will Richly Stuff Your Belly


Hello my dear Health Fighters,

it’s been a while since I’ve posted some sexy, delicious, colourful, and mainly, super healthy recipe that would brighten the mood of your mind and tummy. This time, I went for a purely vegetarian recipe which is colourful enough to paint smile on your face; difficult enough to taste more deservedly; healthy enough to make your tummy dance and sing “Hey, Hey Hippie” from joy; and charming enough to flirt with all of your senses. Continue reading

Voice That Blends Cultures And Breaks The Boundaries Of Time–Interview With Kalia Baklitzanaki

Kalia-2B1Her antique and balmy voice captivates your ears; the colours of her oriental energy paint ornaments inside your soul; and the calm warmth of her performance contrasting the rhythm of her melody, leaves you at the mercy of a peaceful musical crescendo. Kalia’s voice will charm your senses and take you back to the ancient stages in Greece and Asia Minor, performing music composed by traditions and tuned by a breath of history.

Kalia Baklitzanaki is a professional singer and nay player,performing traditional vocal music from the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Although her musical heart seems to be attached to her Greek homeland,the island of Crete, Kalia is half Greek, half English.

After finishing her studies of Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology, where she researched the relationship between music and dance in the Mediterranean and Middle East, Kalia moved to London. She works as a performer, singer, composer as well as a teacher of singing and playing one of the world’s oldest instruments-nay. Additionally, Kalia accompanies her singing with instruments such as percussion, kanoun, double bass, violin, guitar, as well as many other traditional instruments inspired by number of performances she did with many internationally known artists from all around the world. Continue reading

Why Converting Your Music To 432 Hz Could Help Improve Your Life


Music has always been the language we never had to learn to speak with, the food we never had to queue for, the drug we could overdose ourselves with and it never harmed us, the place we could always run to without making a single step. Beethoven named it “a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy”; Plato believed that “music gives a soul to the universe”; and Einstein said that he “lives his daydreams in music and he sees his life in terms of music”.

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New Year Leek&Chickpea Cream Soup

396B0472The ride number 2013 has come to its end, and I don’t know how about you, but I want my 2014 one to be as healthy as possible, because if you are healthy, all the rest you need is just few steps away. To attract more health into our lives in this year, it would be great and symbolic to prepare something tasty and healthy, so our bellies get used to it and they will always remind us of the importance of healthy cooking for the next 364 days. My Healthy New Year 2014 recipe is the Leek&Chickpea Cream Soup. Enjoy!

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“If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.” I am sure that most of you remember these wise words of one of my most favourite Disney characters – Remy, from the movie Ratatouille. Christmas time is slowly passing by and our bellies start calling for “menu revolution.” After too much of sugar, wheat and milk we consumed during Christmas feast, there is nothing better than vegetables to cleanse our body system, mainly liver and colon. This time, I inspired by the traditional French recipe, that made us all drooling in front of our TVs while watching little rat Remy cooking it, and I decided to share with you the recipe of this delicious and healthy meal.

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Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt

IMG_6041Waking up to the most annoying sound of my alarm clock in the early Saturday morning with a smile on my face can mean only one thing – chocolate is going to be involved! Fully using all the benefits of being journalism student in London, I received a press pass from wonderful Sarah Tickle, who I thank very much, to the world’s largest chocolate show – Salon du Chocolat. It took place in London’s National Hall, Olympia from 18th to 20th of October 2013.

image-3Although I have so much to tell you about this unforgettably aromatic exhibition, I think that this time, pictures will speak for themselves more than my words of gastronomic amazement, I type while drooling over my keyboard.

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