New Year Leek&Chickpea Cream Soup

396B0472The ride number 2013 has come to its end, and I don’t know how about you, but I want my 2014 one to be as healthy as possible, because if you are healthy, all the rest you need is just few steps away. To attract more health into our lives in this year, it would be great and symbolic to prepare something tasty and healthy, so our bellies get used to it and they will always remind us of the importance of healthy cooking for the next 364 days. My Healthy New Year 2014 recipe is the Leek&Chickpea Cream Soup. Enjoy!

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“If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.” I am sure that most of you remember these wise words of one of my most favourite Disney characters – Remy, from the movie Ratatouille. Christmas time is slowly passing by and our bellies start calling for “menu revolution.” After too much of sugar, wheat and milk we consumed during Christmas feast, there is nothing better than vegetables to cleanse our body system, mainly liver and colon. This time, I inspired by the traditional French recipe, that made us all drooling in front of our TVs while watching little rat Remy cooking it, and I decided to share with you the recipe of this delicious and healthy meal.

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100 Tips on How to Become Happier = Healthier:


1. Smile at strangers. It’s the quickest energy booster between two people. Long-lasting, genuine and unlike Starbucks, absolutely free.

2. Drink plenty of water, no matter how far the bathroom is.

3. Buy a small glass bottle, fill it with water and carry it everywhere with you.

4. Don’t forget to drink it, of course.

5. Forget about the existence of lift. Imagine it is a large moving box that eats people. Don’t go in!

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10 Soul Vitamins for the Coming of Autumn


The autumn wind is slowly getting ready to knock at the doors of our bodies and minds, bringing us back to the connection with ourselves after a long and energetic summer. It takes us deep, very deep into ourselves by its disarming sentimentality and it leaves our souls in a bittersweet battle with their own thoughts. Despite an unpleasant feeling of loneliness and sadness, I see this transformation as one of the most important ‘’events’’ in our year. It shows how closely our minds and bodies correlate with Mother Nature for it is not only the tree that needs to throw off its burden by shedding its leaves to be born again….but it’s us too. And the same way as we supply ourselves with various vitamins to prepare our bodies for the long winter time, we should not forget to take couple of soul vitamins before the autumn’s tiring but enriching entrée.

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7 Healthy Breakfast Tips

visitorsbreakfast-7An American writer, Robert A. Heinlein, once wrote: “One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast.” Although most of us would say that his words are only a pure exaggeration, I am more than sure that if our body could speak, it would highly disagree with us.  The importance of a healthy breakfast is often challenged by the demanding requirements of our 21st century lifestyle, which either forces us to eat some sugared doughnut with big latte on our way to work or to skip breakfast completely.

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15 Inspirational Kicks For Healthy Lifestyle

It is human that we try to understand our nature and the roots of our origins. However, it is also human to forget about these, from time to time. Let’s remind ourselves of the preciousness of our bodies and the importance of connecting our physical shells with the nobility of our inner selves….by reading the words of wise men.


1) “He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.”

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No Excuses on the Shopping List


Healthy food shopping and its preparation tends to jump on the top places of our list of excuses for not eating healthy. But is it really that difficult as it seems? Let me convince you of the opposite.

Yesterday I went food shopping to Food Cooperative and in a 10 minutes long  battle, I walked out of the supermarket with healthy and very tasty ingredients from which I managed to prepare 5 well balanced meals. Don’t waste your money for one portion of junk food when you can have 5 portions of healthy and delicious meals for the same prize 🙂

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